Friday, December 28, 2007


In the USA, there exists an institution known as the CCNV, the Centre for Creative Nonviolence. When I first came across the term, I thought "What a misnomer!" If something was nonviolent, it could be creative, but how can something creative be nonviolent?

We all possess this violent streak in us, but in the exectuion of this streak is programmed differently.

Something creative cannot be nonviolent. Simply because creativity orginates from within, and unless there is a violent upheaval of that thought from the mind, from the heart, from our being onto a medium, creativity is meaningless. It becomes null, void and hollow because creativity flourishes in expression.

We all strive to be different from each other. We try to create this difference subconsciously too. But how do we become different? Quite simple. Unleash all the violence that we have in our creativity. Purists would be naturally sceptic about this idea and why not?

But this concept needs no long winded explanations. ....just a plain scientific law. Creativity amounts to work done and to obtain this we need force and the distance over which it is applied. Violence is the most potent force in an indivisual. Unheralded and uncompromising. Since this force is predominantly negative, all we need to do is to reverse the sign, apply it in the positive direction so that it traverses harmoniously the distance---the distance between thought and execution, between mind and medium.

Violence when used positively will lead to beautiful creativity. We need to let go of this inner violence which will otherwise wreck havoc with our body.

The secret in harnessing this force is not in defeating it, but using it to foster and nuture creativity.

So the next time, our violent streak appears to outweigh logic, reason, and rationality, just reverse the sign and apply it to something--a painting, that unfinished write up, an unfinished sonata...

Just unleash your violence and hold the reins while creativity trots and charts its course.....

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